Fantasy Sports Data and Content

We deliver the right data to the right audience to boost engagement and conversion.

Data filled projections

Our projection division uses an AI system with algorithms to create pre-season, in-season, daily, weekly, rest of season and future projections.

Our analysts then manually adjust anything that can affect playing time. The system reruns to produce new team results and adjust that day’s “go forward” algorithm to give the most accurate projections for the day’s games.

We provide algorithmic data in eight sports: NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, College Football, PGA, NASCAR, and League of Legends, creating thorough projections through our team of experienced experts.


Daily fantasy sports data

Proprietary data sets are a core part of what engages a fantasy sports audience. We have a number of solutions that provide you with the data to take your daily fantasy sports offering further.

Our Fanjections data can be adjusted within the admin to affect player projections. Adjustments are broken down into individual stat categories for managers to quickly alter a player’s projection.

Meaning your players have everything they need to make informed fantasy sports decisions without leaving your products.
